Xbox live games (in order of most played to least played) at the moment include:
RF: Guerilla
GoW 2 and 1
Halo 3 and 2
SW: Force unleashed
Wish list:
Modern Warfare 2
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Blazblue: Calamity Trigger
Splinter Cell (the newest one Convict I think)
Halo Reach (maybe)
Castle Crashers
Orange Box
Any recommendations or anything would be appreciated.
I like FPS & TPS, Fighters, RTS, RPG, and platformers. In that order.
The Orange Box, Prey, Mirror's Edge, and the Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion (RPG but amazing).
Oblivion is cool but idk about spending more than 40$ on it. I heard mirror's edge was kinda bad. And orange box is PC only :/. I haven't heard of prey though.